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Sundar Lal Bahuguna 5: Did not give up on Gandhian thought

Young Sundar Lal Bahuguna at the inception of Silyara Ashram
Beautiful Lal Bahuguna with Meera Ben

Sundar Lal Bahuguna 5: Did not give up on the Gandhian idea: To bring the idea
of Mahatma Gandhi of village Swaraj and Swablambi village to the ground, his English disciple Meera Ben made his hideout in 1949 in the beautiful village of Gainwali in Tehri. Traumatized by the machinations and leaders of the bureaucracy, after a few years, Meera Ben left India and went back to Viana Ashtria, but Sundar Lal Bahuguna did not give up. She pushed forward Meera Ben's debut at the Silera Ashram. There cow rearing, farming and watermill were made the basis of economic independence.
 Madeleine Slade, the daughter of Commander-in-Chief Admiral Sir Edmund Slade of the British East Fleet Fleet, was so impressed with the idea of ​​Mahatma Gandhi that she left India in October 1925 and left here. Living first in the Sabarmati Ashram and then in Sevagram, he completely embraced Gandhi philosophy in his life. Mahatma Gandhi considered her as his daughter. Seeing his sacrifice, Mahatma Gandhi named him Meera Ben. Meera also went to jail twice in Bapu's freedom movement and in 1931 attended the Round Table Conference in London as an assistant to Meera Ben Gandhi. After the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, she came to Haridwar and Rishikesh with her ashes. Later, Rishikesh started living as a hut in Pashulok. In the year 1948, while being the propaganda minister of Prajamandal, Sundar Lal Bahuguna met him, Meera Ben was sitting on the ground spinning a spinning wheel. Sundar Lal Bahuguna for his simplicity and Very impressed with the idea. Vetab was 22 years old and Meera Ben was 56 years old. Meera Ben Gandhi left village Pashulok to bring the idea of ​​Gramswaraj to the ground and moved to the remote village of Gainli in Tehri. It was at a distance of 26 miles on foot from Tehri. Meera Bain, taking 2 acres of land on lease from the forest, started animal breed improvement and economic improvement from farming through improved seeds. The hut was named Gopal Ashram. From there, he also started publishing Bapu Raj Patrika. Meera Ben made the rules of village swaraj which required not taking any help from outside, own governance of the village and body labor was necessary for every person. In addition to spreading this idea to village Sundar Lal, he entrusted the translation and publication of his writings. Meera Ben herself also started riding from horse to village to spread the idea of ​​Gandhi. The village had its own rule and body labor was necessary for every person. In addition to spreading this idea to village Sundar Lal, he entrusted the translation and publication of his writings. Meera Ben herself also started riding from horse to village to spread the idea of ​​Gandhi.
He also asked the villagers to plant oak and broad leaf trees in the middle of the reserve forest so that the villagers could get fodder, wood as well as clean air and prevent erosion and natural water sources from disappearing. His project of village Swaraj was approved by the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. And he also got a budget for this from the Uttar Pradesh government. When the project started in Gavli village in the year 195, the people of the village dressed in their own clothes and attended the ceremony. But they could not get administrative support at the local level.
The officers of the district did not like the use of Meera Ben. A forest officer and an administrative officer were injured after falling from a mule and a horse while watching their experiments. On not getting the requisite cooperation, Meera Ben went from Gainli to Gaobal in Kashmir to put her plan on the ground. There, he encouraged animal husbandry through breed improvement by importing cows and bulls of Dexter breed from England, but this led to excellent results but after some time he also got government support there. Meera After these two efforts, Meera Ben began to realize that the establishment of Swablambi Gram Swaraj is not possible with the help of the government. From there Meera Ben started living as a hut in Birds Kunj, near Chamba in Tehri, and finally returned to her home country Viana in 1959.
Sundar Lal Bahuguna extended Meera Ben's doctrine of Savabalamban from his Silyara Ashram but tied a knot that government would not take help from it. In the Silyara Ashram, everything from cow farming, farming, watermilling operations, textile manufacturing to the loom started happening. In the name of help, he would get what he got from the village. The villagers would give them a parcel to feed on grain and livestock. In lieu of vegetables and fruits produced in the Silyara Ashram, grains and money also started coming from the village. The work of building three pits and compost was also started there. Buniyadi school was also started. Apart from the children of the village, children of Sarvodayi activists were also taught. The children of many Sarvodayi activists, including Chandi Prasad Bhatt's son Bhuvan, daughter Pranitha, Maan Singh ji's son, Yogesh Bahuguna's son Vimal, got their education from here.
In an effort to bring the Gandhian idea to the ground, Sundar Lal Bahuguna also received neglect, isolation and ridicule, but his steps did not stop.


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