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Sunder Lal Bahuguna : married Dola palanquin
Even after the entry of the craftsmen in Yamunotri Gangotri and Budhakedar temple in the year 1956, Sundar Lal Bahuguna continued his fight for ethnic equality. At that time it was a dream even for the rich artisans to organize marriages and ceremonies with great pomp. Even people belonging to the Khas caste could not carry out the procession with Dola palanquin. In such a situation, in 1961, Bharpuru Nagwan of the old man associated with Harijan Sevak Sangh and Sunder Lal Bahuguna for ethnic equality expressed his desire to get his son Bihari Lal married with Dola palanquin. Before that, such efforts were violently opposed by the upper castes twice. In Pangrana Hindaon of Tehri district, the bridegroom who was sitting in a palanquin was taken hostage. For 21 days, the procession of the craftsmen was held in the village itself with the groom. Later the administration registered a case on 700 upper castes of the village and freed them.
Sundar Lal Bahuguna planned Bihari Lal's wedding at Thakkar Bapa Hostel Tehri. The village where the marriage of Bihari Lal was decided in Badiyar was next to the same Pangrana village in the Hindava strip where the procession of the artisans was stopped. Sundar Lal Bahuguna placed a condition in front of Bharpuru Nagwan that he will marry Bihari Lal with the Dola palanquin but the police administration will not take help in this. Nor will there be litigation and retaliation. Wherever the procession will be stopped, the procession will sit on the Satyagraha. In the procession, only one who is ready to eat and starve will be killed. Finally, on the day of Dussehra, in 1961, Thaati left for Badiyar on foot with the old man from Barat Dhol Baje and Ranasingha. Apart from Sunder Lal Bahuguna, his associates include Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Chiranji Lal Bhatt, Dharmanand Nautiyal, Badar Singh Rana, There were about 200 baraatis, including Indramani Badoni. Through Vinayakhal and Basar, Master reached Tejram's house. On the third day, after a whirlpool, Bihari Lal set up his married Suman in a doli and proceeded to his village Thati along with the Baratis. This was the first marriage of the artisans with the Dola palanqui in which neither the upper castes were prosecuted nor beaten.


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