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Sunder Lal Bahuguna 2 started with the fight to eradicate caste discrimination

The battle to eradicate caste discrimination started with the battle of
Sridev Suman against the Tehri monarchy, after completing his graduation from Lahore, Sundar Lal Bahuguna as Congress official in the Tehri State. Meanwhile, on January 11, 1948, the rebellion spread by the killing of Nagendra Saklani and Molu Bhardari by the monarchy led to the overthrow of the monarchy on 14 January 1948. From Kirtinagar, a large group of people with dead bodies of both the martyrs moved to Tehri. The public also arrived at Tehri on 14 January with pulse rice for Makarain from every corner of Tehri. There was so much anger against the monarchy in the public that in order to save the lives of the people of the monarchy, they had to be lodged in Tehri Jail. The same day was the last day of the monarchy. The government of Prajamandal was formed. Instead of joining the Bahuguna government, Sundar Lal became the General Secretary of the Congress.
He lived in the Congress office near Clock tower. Then the outbreak of alcohol was in full swing. The worst case was that of the Dalit township of Tehri city. The men here abused and beat their family at night with alcohol. Unhappy with this, Lal started going to the Dalit colony in the night to have a prayer meeting, he would take the Gandhi charkha there and spin it on it. In this, he got help from distraught women from home alcoholics. Sundar Lal would tell them the importance of cleanliness and also used to sweep himself. In the light of lanterns, he would also make his children learn alphabets. During the monarchy, only the children of some families got the opportunity to study in Raja's Pratap Inter College only after the king's permission. The government of the Praja Mandal was formed but the college and rules were the same. Being the son of Raja's tailor, Vidyanath got admission in college and hostels but he was also a victim of discrimination.
Meanwhile, one day the students Vidyasagar Nautiyal and Kameshwar Prasad Bahuguna came to Sundar Lal Bahuguna, saying that caste equality is meaningless in Tehri. In the government hostel here, the students are given food in the courtyard outside the upper caste students. Sundar Lal told them that both of you also sit in the courtyard outside with him and start eating. After two or three days, both of them again came to Sundar Lal Bahuguna and said that they cannot eat food sitting in the sunlight in the courtyard. Bahuguna said that all three come to live with me and in this way Thakkar Bapa hostel started in Tehri's Congress Bhawan with the message of ethnic equality. Later, after taking donations from people and sipping stones on the back with students from Bhilangana, Sundar Lal Bahuguna constructed the Thakkar Bapa hostel building near the model school. Chandra Singh, Bihari Lal, Indra Singh, Mahendra Singh, Baria Lal Junwatha, Anantharam, Bhawani Bhai was one of its early students. Later, many students, including ministers Prasad Naithani, Devi Lal, DL Shah, progressed from here. ...Ongoing

Note: The material related to Shri Sundar Lal Bahugana will continue in future. Anyone can use this material. As well as photos and material associated with them, send me the memorandum to mail id:




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